Recommended School Supplies for

Mrs. Sakers' Mathematics Class




ü      Three dividers for math sections included in the academic three-ring binder      (Math Classwork, Math Homework, Math Reference)

ü      Loose leaf paper

ü      Pencils

ü      Colored pencils (home use only)

ü    Graph paper (FYI:  Varieties of printable coordinate planes are also available via my math webpage) 

ü      If possible, Internet access to utilize resources, grades and First In Math

ü     Any type of Scientific Calculator (home use only)

ü      Ruler with metric and English units (home use only)

ü      A pair of scissors (home use only)

ü      Glue or glue stick (home use only)

ü      Protractor (home use only)

ü      Compass (home use only)



If you would like to donate any of the following to your class, you are more than welcome.  We use these items to keep the room as clean as possible and keep us as healthy as possible, as organizational tools, and for class activities.

ü      A box of tissues or antibacterial wipes

ü          Manila folder with your first and last name printed on the tab

ü          Colored paper or cardstock

ü          Dry Erase Markers